Camera Wi-Fi Setting
On your downloaded Amaryllo app, select the camera that you will be using. In the video below, we use Zeus for the demonstration. After tapping on the icon of your camera, remember to follow the instructions carefully, before continuing onto the next step. Once you are ready, tap on the direct Wi-Fi installation and enter your Wi-Fi password, then tap next. Then exit the app and select the Wi-Fi network that ends with your camera’s AMID. For instruction on where to find your AMID, please see the description below. Once connected, return to the app, tap next, press ok and wait for a couple of seconds and there you have it. Voilà, set up complete.
1. Remember to connect your mobile devices to a 2.4GHz band Wi-Fi before set up
2. After set up is complete, your mobile devices/tablets may connect to a 5GHz band Wi-Fi for
3. Your camera AMID can be found on a sticker located on your camera